

SystemVerilog addes following new literal values to existing Verilog literals and improves some of the literals. |

- time values
- array values
- structure values
- Improvements to string literals.


Integer and Logic Literals
Literals integer and logic values can be sized and unsized, and follow the same rules as of Verilog 2001. Assignment of constant values to any variable can be single literal as shown below. |

- '0 : Set all bits to 0
- '1: Set all bits to 1
- 'X or `x : Set all bits to x
- `Z or `z : Set all bits to z

Example - Integer Literals

1 `timescale 1ns/100ps
2 module int_literals ();
4 integer a;
6 initial begin
7 $monitor ("@ %gns a = %h", $time, a);
8 a = '0;
9 #1 a = 'x;
10 #1 a = '1;
11 #1 a = 'z;
12 #1 a = 'b0;
13 #1 a = 'bx;
14 #1 a = 'b1;
15 #1 a = 'bz;
16 #1 $finish;
17 end
19 endmodule
You could download file int_literals.sv here

Simulator Output

@ 0ns a = 00000000
@ 1ns a = xxxxxxxx
@ 2ns a = ffffffff
@ 3ns a = zzzzzzzz
@ 4ns a = 00000000
@ 5ns a = xxxxxxxx
@ 6ns a = 00000001
@ 7ns a = zzzzzzzz





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Deepak Kumar Tala - All rights reserved |
Do you have any Comment? mail me at:deepak@asic-world.com